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Playing Catch Up

After crossing the Caspian Sea to Azerbaijan, having debrief, and then taking the train to Georgia, we had PVT in Tbilisi. 

PVT stands for Parent Vision Trip. It’s an opportunity for our parents to visit us while we are traveling abroad. My parents did not come. However, the distance didn’t stop some of the other parents from traveling halfway around the world to see their kids.

I knew it was going to be fun meeting the parents, but it was such an AWESOME time. There was hardly a dull moment. We were constantly doing something whether we were in session or sharing stories from our trip or having lunch with the different parents.

We were informed that normally when PVT is going on PVTers (racers with parents present) and their parents have their time separately away from the non-PVTers or, as we dubbed ourselves, team orphans.

But as a member of team orphans, we talked about how much we enjoyed being a part of PVT. Everyone had a part to play whether it was worship, sharing, or teaching. We particularly loved chatting together in our bunks about the similar mannerisms between parent and child. Sometimes it was the way they stood, the way they talked, or personality traits. 

But the best part was being able to share stories from the past eight months of travel. You could feel the Holy Spirit in the sessions and as we went out and did ministry side by side with the parents. God was working in our hearts, but also in the parents. They even got to share and impart their wisdom and life advice to us. You can buy it in my next book for $9.99.

Just kidding.

The price is $20.99. 

One of the things they shared was going out “in a blaze of glory” because “how we end this season determines how we enter our next season.” 

Right now we are in Turkey helping out an event called Burn 24/7, but I wanted to let you know that PVT was amazing. I miss the parents already and can’t wait to see them again whether state side or paradise. 

6 responses to “PVT – Tbilisi, Georgia”

  1. Heidi, it was so fun spending time with all of you. Do you see any mannerisms of Joey and the two of us? Just kidding, I think there are a ton of them. I enjoy your blogs, and you are welcome at our place anytime. Toni

  2. Another great blog. “Going out in a blaze of glory” is for me being found faithful till the Lord calls me home. May the later years of my life be better 5han the early years.

  3. John and I really enjoyed getting to meet you. Know you have a standing invitation to visit us anytime. Austin is a fun place to explore and San Antonio is only a little over an hour away. You are truly a masterpiece of our Heavenly Father. Finish strong! Kathy Fasl

  4. Wow….wow… Being with all of you meant so much to us. The love, joy, tears and passion for one another and our Heavenly Father is a gift that will stay with us through eternity. We were so, so blessed to connect with you and the rest of our family ( we’re going to be in eternity together) was really special. Each of you brought such a profound presence of His heart to us. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to love deep and wider. We love you all! I’d better stop or I’m going to start crying! Hah! Hah!
    Isn’t He so Good! ??

  5. Loved spending time with you Heidi!! If you are ever in Traverse City, please come see us!! Rick and Terri Mattarella