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Thoughts & Inspiration

I’m currently writing this from a sleeper car on a train in India. We left Hyderabad and are making our way North towards New Delhi. And of course, Peace Train by Cat Stevens comes on my playlist as I ride this train…

I’m loving every minute of it. I remember watching Indiana Jones as a kid and hoping that one day I would get to see strange and exotic places like he did. Now I find myself in one of the strangest and most exotic places on earth: India.

The Head Bobble. If you want to say yes, no, maybe, or make people frustrated, you do the head bobble. It’s a very effective means for communication here in India. All you have to do is move your head from side to side in a wiggle-like fashion.

We’re hoping to see the Taj Mahal before we head farther north. My team mate Kailey has relatives in India that run a school for the blind. We hope to connect with them and see how we can bless them. I don’t know why, but I have a good feeling about it. I’m really excited to get to that school and see what we see…

Wanted: Friends that laugh at my dumb jokes.


The past few days, I’ve been struggling with the repercussions of inward healing. Side effects such as anger and frustration have ensued making me a miserable person to be around. I don’t even want to be around me…

God, can’t you just heal me from all this hurt and make it better?

Proverbs 3:5-6
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.”

I want to live from a place of love and freedom. Why do I continue to put shackles on myself? We do that as humans. We put limitations on ourselves because we’re afraid. Why am I letting fear control me?

I forget that I am loved by God. I was created by love, for love. I was born to be loved and so were you. How do I internalize this so I can share it with others?

He‘s still working on me and I’m still trying to find my footing with identity. I’ll do my best to keep you filled in on the fun and not-so-fun adventures of the head, the heart, and India!

Also, i am $4000 away from being fully funded. you can still donate here on my blog page. Thank you for the prayers, support, and money!

3 responses to “Do I Trust God?”

  1. Yes! I just responded to some of your emails and reading this blog afterwards was so encouraging. Keep fighting girl and let’s talk soon!